Apple to the Core

Survey Programs

The following are survey programs, some surveys paid with cash and others with prizes and promotional products, but worth looking into! Put in your two cents on new products or promotions. Your opinion does count! 


Our Featured Program

Survey Savvy

This one pays well and pays more for referrals than most.  It is not unusual to get surveys that pay $20.00 or more if you qualify. A fun way to make some extra dough! And then refer your friends and make more dough! This is an extremely highly recommended program!


!!Survey Savvy is highly recommended!!

Survey Savvy

This one pays well and pays more for referrals than most.  It is not unusual to get surveys that pay $20.00 or more if you qualify. A fun way to make some extra dough! And then refer your friends and make more dough! This is an extremely highly recommended program!


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