Starting Out.... 

Affiliate Marketing can be a very rewarding and lucrative job. It will be a job, at least at first,  because you will have to put your heart and soul into it if you want to make it work. However, it's a job you're going to love and the best part'll be working for yourself! At first, you'll be putting in many, many hours of coding and changing and loving and hating it. But, in the end, you'll get your first commission and then your second and third.  By then, you'll be hooked. And then if you're one of the lucky ones, you'll be able to quit your job and make an Affiliate Marketing.  Remember, your site will be open 24/7/365 and the opportunities are endless.

We think you'll learn a lot from we've put together.  We'll tell you about the Parasites of the Internet who steal your commissions and you can do about it. We show you where to go if you have questions.  And most of all, we'll introduce you to the Affiliate Boards and Forums that will teach you more in one day than you can learn in a year reading books.  These are the people who have been there and are on the board to learn and teach. There's a wealth of information to be found if you know where to look.

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